How I built a site with a Jekyll theme hero image

How I built a site with a Jekyll theme

The brief was to have an easy to manage site, by making use of GitHub for their content and source control with markdown pages, hooked up to a Jekyll site. Jekyll is a static site generator, which means there's no database, making it secure and snappy. Wanting a more customized site than what the standard GitHub Jekyll themes had to offer, I built a Jekyll theme from scratch. For a responsive site, I incorporated the Bootstrap CSS framework in my theme.

Here's the basic steps of how I built my Jekyll Theme!

First up, install Jekyll:

gem install bundler jekyll

Next we can spin up a new site to run locally.

jekyll new my - awesome - site

Take it it for a test run! Jump in to the directory:

cd my - awesome - site


bundle exec jekyll serve

Now browse to http://localhost:4000 to see your new site in action!

*If you get a webrick error, install the bundle as below!
bundle add webrick

Now we’ve got a base site created, we can go ahead and spin up a new Jekyll theme.

jekyll new- theme my - theme

Now we’ve spun up the basic structure for the theme, we can go ahead and update the gemspec:

  • spec.summary
  • spec.homepage

Connecting your new blog to a remote theme

Installation time!

Open your blog site’s Gemfile.

Comment out the default theme and add the following line for the theme gem:

#adding a new remote theme
gem 'flameroasttoast-jekyll-theme', '>= 0.1.0', : git => ''
You can just comment out the default “minima” theme and add your new new in

Next, edit the theme in the _config.yml# Build settings:

theme: flameroasttoast - jekyll - theme

Comment on the default theme here too, and add in your remote theme

To install, execute the following commands in a terminal for your site:

bundle install

Now we can see our Jekyll site running it’s new theme!

bundle exec jekyll serve

Then go to:

To update the theme from the source theme:

bundle update flameroasttoast - jekyll - theme

Add this line to your Jekyll site’s Gemfile:

gem "your-theme"

And add this line to your Jekyll site’s _config.yml:

theme: flameroasttoast - jekyll - theme

And then run:


Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install flameroasttoast - jekyll - theme


Using the directory name part of the URL

With collections – always _(underscore) the directory name


Part of the installation of this theme – is to create the navigation on the blog site. The theme then reads the content from _data\navigation.html and uses liquid to display it.

create _data folder with navigation.yml


url: games - writing

url: comics - and - fiction

  - title: ART
url: art

Install of this theme for the blog:

create navigation _data/navigation.html

add collection settings to config yaml

add folders for collections – must start with _

on the root create the landing page for the collection eg.

--- layout: default title: games-writing ---

Adding custom scripts

Step 1: Make the Script file > Create the script (.js) file as normal.

You might want to save in an appropriate folder, for example:

../assets/js / some - script.js

You may need to make the /assets/ folder if you do not have it.

You don’t need to use an underscore (_) at the front of the folder name. At deploy, Jekyll will then simply copy that folder and contents into the build at `_site’ as a static asset.

Step 2: Call / reference the script in your html.

Then just call it as you need it!

Sites I've built on Jekyll